Pre-lab: Scopes and Lab Safety Training

The questions below are due on Friday September 06, 2024; 10:00:00 AM.
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1) The DSOX1204G Oscilloscope

You will be working with the oscilloscope in our first lab. The preview video below runs through most of the common operations, and you should feel free to refer back to it before you get used to working with the device. Please watch the video and familiarize yourself with it before coming to lab.

Set Video Speed:

Set Video Quality:

What is the peak-to-peak amplitude (in Volts) of the signal being measured on Channel 2 starting around minute 10 in the video?

What is the frequency (in Hz) of the Channel 1 signal (and also channel 2 signal) starting around minute 10 in the video?

2) Training/Forms

There are a few final things you need to do:

  1. Go to this link and take the EHS00509w Electrical Safety Awareness course. To do this, search for "509" under the Course Catalog Page, which should find the "Electrical Safety Awareness" course. Do this course. It isn't too bad.
  2. Install MIT Certificates by following the instructions at
  3. Go to this link and read and sign the undergraduate lab safety acknowledgement form (you'll need certificates installed to do this).
  4. Fill out the section preferences form if you haven't already done so.

Did you do those things? Be honest.