Mo Dividers Mo Problems

The questions below are due on Monday September 16, 2024; 10:00:00 PM.
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This problem studies the network shown below. The objective here is to gain practice using voltage and current dividers, as well as applications of KCL and KVL. You should use voltage and/or current dividers in your answer wherever possible. If you choose to analyze the circuit using only, or primarily, brute-force analysis (or with direct application of the node method), you will not receive full credit.

  1. Initially assume that switch is in its open (open-circuit) position. Under these conditions:

    • Solve for i_1 and i_2 using only resistor combination rules, and voltage and current divider rules.
    • Solve for v using only resistor combination rules, and voltage and current divider rules.
  2. Now assume that switch is in its closed (short-circuit) position. Under these conditions:

    • Solve for i_1 and i_2 using only resistor combination rules, and voltage and current divider rules.
    • Solve for v using only resistor combination rules, and voltage and current divider rules.

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