The i/v League

The questions below are due on Monday September 16, 2024; 10:00:00 PM.
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For each of the circuits and current-voltage characteristics shown below, specify the component, if any, that could be added in the box to cause the current i and the voltage v to have the pictured relationship. Valid components are limited to:

  • resistors with finite positive resistance,
  • voltage sources with finite nonzero voltage,
  • and current sources with finite nonzero current.

Specify the appropriate component by naming its type and its value (be careful of directionality!). Examples:


Component 1

What single component, if any, can be drawn in the box in the circuit on the left to cause the current i and the voltage v to be related as shown in the graph on the right?

Component Type or None:
Component Value or None:

Component 2

What single component, if any, can be drawn in the box in the circuit on the left to cause the current I and the voltage V to be related as shown in the graph on the right?

Component Type or None:
Component Value or None:

Component 3

What single component, if any, can be drawn in the box in the circuit on the left to cause the current I and the voltage V to be related as shown in the graph on the right?

Component Type or None:
Component Value or None: