Ahead of the Curve

The questions below are due on Monday October 07, 2024; 10:00:00 PM.
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Consider the following four circuits (labeled A through D), each of which has a voltage labeled v_o(t):

Circuit A

Circuit B

Circuit C

Circuit D

For circuits A and B, assume that \displaystyle V_s(t) = \begin{cases}0 & \text{if}~t < 0\cr 10{\rm V} & \text{if}~t\geq 0\end{cases}

For circuit C, assume that \displaystyle I_s(t) = \begin{cases}0 & \text{if}~t < 0\cr 10{\rm A} & \text{if}~0\leq t < 1~\text{second}\cr0 & \text{if}~t\geq 1~\text{second}\end{cases}

For circuits A-C, assume that v_o(0) = 0{\rm V}.

For circuit D, assume that the voltage source is constant and that the switch on top is closed for all t < 0 and opens at t=0.

The graphs below are numbered 0-7. For each of the circuits above, indicate which of these graphs matches the shape of the function v_o(t). In addition, specify the minimum and maximum values of v_o(t). Note that the graphs are not necessarily all plotted on the same time scale.

Graph 0
Graph 1
Graph 2
Graph 3
Graph 4
Graph 5
Graph 6
Graph 7

Upload your answers as a single PDF file, including both your answer and your work. Please do not include any identifying information in your submission so that we can grade the submissions anonymously.

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